
Respirasi Adalah Pdf
respirasi adalah pdf

Proses ini adalah asam laktat yang akan tertimbun dalam jaringan dan menyebabkan munculnya rasa lelah. Namun demikian respirasi pada hakikatnya adalah reaksi redoks, dimana substrat dioksidasi menjadi karbondioksida (CO 2) sedangkan oksigen (O 2 ) yang diserap. &0183 &32 Respirasi adalah suatu proses pengambilan oksigen (O 2) untuk memecah senyawa-senyawa organik menjadi karbondioksida (CO 2), air (H 2 O) dan energi.

Extra Corporeal CO 2 Removal (ECCOR) diperuntukkan mengeliminasi CO 2 tanpa memperbaiki oksigenasi. Derajat regangan paru pada akhir inspirasi mengakibatkan berpindahnya serangkaian mediator dari paru melalui sirkulasi sistemik ke organ distal ( ventilator induced lung injury, VILI). Namun data menunjukkan perburukan cedera paru dan meningkatnya mortalitas dapat terjadi akibat penerapan ventilasi mekanik yang tidak tepat. Jaringan tidak dapat menjalani respirasi aerob sehingga yang terjadi adalah fermentasi homoVentilasi mekanik masih merupakan terapi suportif utama gagal napas akut untuk memperbaiki pertukaran gas.

Demikian pula respirasi yang terjadi pada jazad2021. Pada respirasi aerob, terjadi pembakaran (oksidasi) zat gula (glukosa) secara sempurna, sehingga menghasilkan energi jauh lebih besar (36 ATP) daripada respirasi anaerob (2 ATP saja). Misal pada akar yang tergenang air. Turunnya kebutuhan ventilasi alveolar dapat menghindari kelelahan otot napas pada kondisi eksaserbasi pasien penyakit paru obstrukif kronik (PPOK).keadaan anaerob atau kurang oksigen, jaringan melakukan respirasi secara anaerob.

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Extra Corporeal CO 2 Removal (ECCOR) is designed to remove carbon dioxide (CO 2) but does not provide significant oxygenation. The degree of end inspiratory lung strech potentially result in translocation of various mediators from the lungs through the systemic circulation to peripheral organs (ventilator-induced lung injury, VILI). But contrarily, evidence has progressively emerged suggesting that mechanical ventilation, may worsen the injured lung and may increase the mortality rate. Anda Dapat Mendownload laporan Praktikum Respirasi Aerob dan Anaerob ini dalam format PDF dengan mengklik tombol Kata kunci: Eliminasi karbondioksida, Extra Corporeal CO 2 Removal, hiperkapnia, ventilator induced lung injuryMechanical ventilation is the main form of life support for patients with acute respiratory failure and can resolve the impairment of gas exchange alteration.

Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2014 35(04): 519-527.Terragni PP, Rosboch G, Tealdi A, Corno E, Menaldo E, Davini O, dkk. Extracorporeal Support for Severe Acute Respiratory Failure. 2010 4:373–85.Fanelli V, Costamagna A, Ranieri VM. The physical basis of ventilator-induced lung injury. Reducing the needs of alveolar ventilation may also interrupting the vicious cycle that leads to muscle fatigue during exacerbation in chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient.Key words: carbondioxyde removal, Extra Corporeal CO 2 Removal, hypercapnia, ventilator induced lung injuryPlataki M, Hubmayr RD.

2012 16:232–41.Terragni P, Maiolo G, Ranieri VM. Bench to bedside review: Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal, past present and future. 2011 183:1193–9.Cove ME, MacLaren G, Federspiel WJ, Kellum JA. Lung regional metabolic activity and gas volume changes induced by tidal ventilation in patients with acute lung injury.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007 175:160-6.Bellani G, Guerra L, Musch G, Zanella A, Patroniti N, Mauri T, dkk. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.

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Acute respiratory distress syndrome: The Berlin definition. Definition Task Force ARDS. 2006 34:1372–7.Ranieri VM, Rubenfeld GD, Thompson BT, Ferguson ND, Caldwell E, Fan E, dkk. A new Pumpless extracorporeal interventional lung assist in critical hypoxemia/hypercapnia. 2011 7(1)23–7Bein T, Weber F, Philipp A, Prasser C, Pfeifer M, Schmid FX, dkk.

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2012 185(2):152–9.Burki NK, Mani RK, Herth FJF, Schmidt W, Teschler H, Bonin F, dkk. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Outcomes of noninvasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the United States, 1998-2008. Anesthesiology.2009 111(4):826–85.Chandra D, Stamm JA, Taylor B, Ramos RM, Satterwhite L, Krishnan JA, dkk. Tidal volume lower than 6 mL/kg enhances lung protection: role of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal.

Ann Am Thorac Soc 2013 10(4):307–314.Ruberto F, Bergantino B, MC Testa, D’Arena C, Zullino V, Congi P, dkk. Pilot study of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal to facilitate extubation and ambulation in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2013 143(3):678–86.Abrams DC, Brenner K, Burkart KM, Agerstrand CL, Thomashow BM, Bacchetta M, dkk.

Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal for patients with acute respiratory failure secondary to the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review. 2014 37(12):911–7.Fitzgerald M, Millar J, Blackwood B, Davis A, Brett SJ, McAuley DF, dkk.

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